

Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is a success

Project Goal

To establish a fund worth Rs 150,000,000 with 10,000 VMDF members by 2026 through the contributions received from VMDF Members & well-wishers. The collected fund will be banked as fixed deposits in a local government bank. The interest of the fixed deposits will be propagated to assist the college’s betterment.

Project Background

Vidyartha Millenium Development Fund (VMDF) was created in 2012 as a result of executing a bright idea mooted by two gentlemen, Mr Sarath Dambawinne and Mr Sumith Fonseka, out of the many ardent Old Vidyartians whilst the celebration of her 70th Anniversary of Mother Vidyartha. The self-designed Goal of the VMDF Group was to raise a fund with a capital of around Rs 150 million by 2017 to coincide with the Diamond Jubilee celebration of Vidyartha and to support with financial needs for better performances of the extracurricular activities of the students, from the interests received through fixed deposits.

Project Objectives

  • To provide financial assistance to extracurricular activities, based on the recommendations made by the Principal and the College administration to improve the standards of respective disciplines.
  • To operate in a financially responsible manner that will generate adequate levels of interest to cater to the school’s needs in a more significant volume.
  • To take an active role in coordinating and  participating in the appropriate solutions when financial allocations are done for developmental needs.

Membership Categories

Rs. 15,000/=
Rs. 50,000/=
Rs. 100,000/=
Rs. 150,000/=
Rs. 300,000/=
Rs. 500,000/=
Rs. 1,000,000/=